Monday, June 4, 2007

Web page creating Guide

Free web hosting providers

May be you have to create your company’s web site or your Home page. And you may having poor income . So you may can’t waste lot of money by paying Web Host services. So you have to do the rest for free . Free web hosting providers gives you free web page creating on their servers and they gives you easy web page creating onsite software that you can create your pages easily . And millions of tools , graphics , technology , help , advice , tweaks etc. will be supplied .

What are the benefits of free web hosting ?

The major benefit is you have nothing to pay .Therefore you can create unlimited WebPages for free. This means you can test your pages . How they working on the web . How many visitors comes to see your page , what is the page index or position of your site , get statistics of your site are few tests you can do on the free hosting. And also you can earn lot of money from your site even while you are sleeping.

How can I find a free web hosting company ?

It’s easy to find free web hosting company by searching the web .
Suggested key word :- free web hosting

I have no knowledge how to create a page

Don’t worry free web hosting company you choose, will guide you how to create pages on their server and how to get a unique web address for you . And It’s very easy and simple.

What should I know before getting started

1. The web space capacity

The Web space capacity is how much space reserved for you by your web hosting provider. It depends on provider to provider. That how many web pages can create on your account depends on the space. Most of the web pages are 1-100 kb . If your provider gives you 1GB space , you can create about 1000 pages if your provider gives you unlimited pages feature.

2. Bandwidth /month

Though you created hundreds of pages when your visitors comes to see your page your bandwidth/month (bandwidth per month) decreases. Assume , you have one page which sizes 50kb . And 1Gb/month bandwidth. So your page can be displayed 20000 times per month only (this value can be vary)
We can roughly calculate this by
1GB = 1000000 kb
1000000 / 50
= 20000

3. Unlimited pages
Some hosting companies are giving this feature . If your hosting plan has this option you can create unlimited pages on your free host server.

4. Languages

Some hosting companies are giving many coding languages like html , php , asp ,mysql ,mssql ,java for free . And some are don’t . But mysql and mssql are for creating sites that are complex and using data base support. But if your provider gives you language like mysql and php , you can create data bases and onsite page counters , click counters , download counters etc.

Those are the basic knowledge you have to know when you going to create a page on free or paid hosting company.

For more information see “My Other Sites”. , “Recent Posts” And “Site Map” menu situated left

If you have any questions , please send me a email to

** Gain 1000 traffic to your page

** And if you want to know how to make money from your blogg or site even while you are sleeping , click bellow link

** Take a look at LOVE POEMS page to cool your brain.

** Gain lot of traffic by creating meta tags for your page

** Create your own webpage for free

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